HiFU body contouring

Skin tightening procedures are completely non-invasive. Its also a no down-time procedure.

HiFU is a permanent fat loss treatment, it is nothing but high frequency ultrasound waves, unlike fat freezing HiFU generates heat under the skin destroying the fat cells. Not only does it destroy the fat cells in the targeted area, but it also boosts collagen growth which makes the skin tighter and firmer. Treated cells are flushed out through the body’s natural removal process. This process can continue up to 6 months post treatment.
HiFU body / skin tightening procedures are completely non-invasive. It’s also a no down-time procedure, you can resume back to your normal actives immediately after the treatment. We recommend 3 to 4 treatments 6 to 4 weeks apart. This may vary depending on the area of concern.
Combination treatment of Hifu and radiofrequency is recommended many times at Fms skin & Hair clinics by Exilis 360 from BTL for better results.

How HiFU works?

Hifu body contouring treatment will dissolve the fatty cells by passing beams of precise and fractional ultrasound energy through the surface of the skin into the deeper subcutaneous tissue. Hifu contouring will tighten excess skin, also helps in cellulite reduction smoothening out the lumps and bumps.
Areas that can be treated are – love handles, chin, abdomen, buttocks, outer thigh, inner thigh, calf, back, back bra bulge, etc.
Other areas HiFu can treat are mainly facelift / tightening like lift and tightening eyes, lift and firm jowls, soften smile lines, improve new appearance, reduce nasolabial folds and full-face lift including neck.


Ideal candidate are those people who are mildly above ideal weight and cannot get rid of stubborn fat pockets.
Ideal sculpting for smaller areas the person should be with in 5-10kg of their ideal weight. Hifu is a body contouring treatment, it does not treat obesity. For weight loss properly guided diet and exercise are needed.
Hifu is a safe procedure, especially when done by trained professionals. At FMS sculpt the team is highly trained and we follow the most rigorous protocols to ensure we complete all treatments safely.
HiFU treatment dose not hurt. Patients might feel tingling or pricking sensation. The degree of sensation will depend on the targeted area of treatment.
Average amount of fat reduction in the treatment area varies from person to person, also depends on the how your body responds to the treatment.
These treatments continue to work even after your treatment, as your body naturally removes the fat and regenerates collagen. Results are seen from 2 to 4 months post treatment.
Number of sessions depend upon the body composition and degree of skin laxity combined with healthy lifestyle.
Follow up treatments can be done every 6 months after your previous session if needed.
You may feel a slight vibration and tingling sensation during the procedure, which is completely normal.
Your health and well-being are our priority. At FMS sculpt our team are trained specialist in body contouring, especially in aesthetic, non-surgical, non-invasive transformation procedures. We want to ensure that optimal results are achieved.